Grow your Space Engineers community

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Engage with the community

Coming Soon
Keep up to date with factions, even when not in the game. Get notifications for faction events, organize your assets, and more.
Player Events
Organize and participate in community events like races, building competitions, and combat tournaments. Bring players together and create memorable experiences.
Community Posts
Share your builds, strategies and stories with the community. Get feedback, showcase your creations and engage with other players.
Ship Marketplace
Buy and sell ships in the marketplace. Find the perfect vessel for your next mission or make a profit trading unique designs.

Quartz API

A better toolset

For the first time, you can build your own systems on top of our API, Quartz.

Grid Data.
Access grid data, including sub-grid and block data, all up to 1000x faster than vanilla methods.
Room API.Beta
Access even more oxygen-room data, including what specific blocks are contained in a room.
Mod API.Coming Soon
Use our Mod API adapter to integrate your mod with Quartz-supported servers.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Quartz.API;
using Sandbox.Game.Entities;
using VRageMath;

public class Example
  public IEnumerable<MyThrust> GetAllThrustersInArea(BoundingSphereD bounds)
    var groups = SpatialAPI.GetGridsInSphere(bounds);
    var thrusters = groups.SelectMany(e => e.Get(BlockReferences.Thruster));
    return thrusters;

  public IEnumerable<IGridData> GetAllShipsNearPlayers(float distanceFromPlayer)
    var players = SpatialAPI.GetAllControllableEntities();
    var playersAsSpheres = players.Select(e =>
      new BoundingSphereD(e.BoundingBox.Center, distanceFromPlayer));
    var groups = playersAsSpheres.SelectMany(SpatialAPI.GetGridsInSphere);
    var gridData = groups.SelectMany(e => e.GridData);
    return gridData;

Get started today

Take the first step towards a more engaging community, get started completely free today.